CERT Leadership

Our CERT volunteers are an invaluable part of the Santa Rosa County Department of Emergency Management’s Logistics section, working to ensure the safety and well-being of our community during times of crisis. Within the county, we have dedicated CERT Team Captains who are responsible for maintaining communication and coordination with the volunteers in their respective areas. Navarre CERT is organized as a 501c3 however, CERT is now treated as a unified organization under the umbrella of the Department of Emergency Management. We are proud to have such a dedicated and organized team of CERT volunteers working tirelessly to protect and serve our community.

Arc ThamesCounty Wide CERT Coordinator
Mike SandlerSouth Santa Rosa Team Captain
(South of East Bay/Pensacola Bay-Navarre/Gulf Breeze)
Ralph CoffmanCentral Santa Rosa Team Captain
(Milton/Pea Ridge/Pace)
Matt NolanNorth Santa Rosa Team Captain