2022 Florida ARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET)
The SET is planned for the morning of October 1, 2022 beginning at 0900 EDT/0800 CDT and will last around 4 hours.
The SET is ARRL’s primary national emergency exercise and is designed to assess the skills and preparedness of Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) volunteers, as well as those affiliated with other organizations involved in emergency and disaster response. Simulated emergency tests and other exercises give us the opportunity to test our skills and equipment in a “real world” type scenario.
If you wish to help participate in this exercise in Santa Rosa County, please use this link. This is an excellent opportunity to practice for what a real activation would look like. The experience and skills you gain from this will be extremely valuable for you as an ARES team member.
For more information on the overall planning for this exercise, visit – arrl-nfl.org/set